Presenting at water summit ‘tu d. vakantiecursus’.

Every year the University of Technology Delft organizes a symposium for the Dutch water world. This symposium is called “Vakantiecursus,” which would mean “Holiday course.” This name originates from the early days in 1948 when Professor Krul thought that it was a waste of money not to use the lecture halls during the holiday period, so he organized a course for the alumni of the university, and engineers, scientists and managers of water companies to keep them updated with the latest developments in the field of drinking water.The content of the Vakantiecursus has changed somewhat over the years from the exchanging technical experiences in drinking water, to science, environment, policy and management. Over the years it has developed into the leading Dutch congress on drinking water. Because the Vakantiecursus is scheduled for the first Friday in the new year, it also serves as the new year’s party for the Dutch water world. Every year over 400 water professionals take part in the Vakantiecursus to listen to presentations by national and international experts.On the 65th edition on Friday the 11th of January 2013, Elemental Water Makers was invited about sharing their experience of the pilot plant realized in Indonesia, their innovation in particular and about the challenges for a fresh startup in the water sector. The presentations can be found on ‘Collegerama’ at the faculty Civil Engineering under the folder ‘Vakantiecursus’. Click here to go to the presentations (in Dutch), which start at 03:33:00 and 02:55:20 for the drinking water section. We have received much positive feedback from the audience and updated our knowledge with the latest developments in the sector. It was a well organised and very valuable congres.

Presentation at the water summit at the TU Delft

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