The fresh water movement is growing.

It’s an easy equation. Access to fresh water becomes more challenging if there is less fresh water available and there are more water users. The Special Report published by the IPCC predicts drought sensitivity and limited freshwater availability, especially on islands and coastal regions.

This shouldn’t be a reason for concern. In 2012, we started a movement to ensure sustainable fresh water from unlimited resources. But what’s so different in what we do?

1) Freshwater can be obtained from the sea with a low energy consumption
2) This limited energy can be provided by sustainable sources, such as the sun
3) The desalination solutions are easy to use and stress-free to maintain

Meet our new fresh team members, learn about the Elemental Water Foundation, read about the impact of a solar-powered reverse osmosis system in Mozambique & celebrate a fresh start of the year with us in our new office.

Savings, safety & comfort. Mozambique

”Previously, we were sailing a dhow to the mainland with a 5000-liter water tank. This was hugely time-consuming and a concern of safety in bad weather. Water was a constant issue.

Not anymore it isn’t. We are delighted with the desalination solution, it has rocked our world completely.”

Kevin Record | Owner Ibo Island Lodge | Mozambique

Show me a financial analysis of solar-powered desalination

Water for the ones who need it most:

Water means life, it enables development and unfortunately, it’s often the ones who live in remote and developing areas who lack access to it. That’s why we are working with the Elemental Water Foundation to enable potable water through solar-powered desalination to the ones that need it most. In 2019, we are starting with a drinking water project for 3000 beneficiaries in Madagascar. Stay tuned to learn how you can get involved.

Growing team to ensure water abundance.

Team expansion: Tammo.

As international experienced go-getter with a passion for the sea, Tammo will make a fresh and lasting impact. As business development director, he is available to discuss desalination projects, partnerships, and opportunities.

Reach out to Tammo.

Project installed Belize.

A new source of fresh water is up and running in Belize! Sustainable clean water is freely flowing at this off-grid coastal property. The low-energy desalination in Belize turns seawater into clean water and is powered by the sun.

Check it out.

Team expansion: Bram.

As a business developer, Bram is available to discuss desalination projects in several languages, such as Portuguese. As an enthusiastic sustainability expert, Bram is looking forward to discussing your water project.

Reach out to Bram.

New office by the sea.

With fresh new team members, we have recently outgrown our previous office in Delft. We have relocated our HQ to our roots at the sea in The Hague.

Come visit us.

Happy Holidays and a fresh 2019. 

We thank you for your continued support and wish you a wonderful holiday season. We look forward to working together in 2019 to ensure a reliable supply of affordable clean water for generations to come.

Is your project next to benefit from unlimited resources?

Work with us.

Benefit from unlimited resources.